This morning I was driven by Peter to the dental clinic. I met Tanya, who I had spoken with and emailed many times in the last two months, and she was very nice.
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We learn so much about feeling good when we share our health experiences with each other. I hope you enjoy visiting!
This morning I was driven by Peter to the dental clinic. I met Tanya, who I had spoken with and emailed many times in the last two months, and she was very nice.
I am in the airport waiting to fly to San Diego, where I will then travel to Rosarito to get my dental revision.
Aren't you glad you tuned in? Here is my mouth, soon to be revamped a bit. This panoramic xray shows lots of interesting stuff.
Recently I decided that it was time to clean out the shelves under the bathroom sink. I read every ingredient on bottles and containers of mousse, hair spray, toothpaste, face powder and soaps.
Last week my husband and I saw a Dr. Christopher Mann. He's an orthopedic surgeon. I wanted to know what chances there are of my rod removal.
When I started Earthing - by using an Earthing pad for my feet under my computer and by sleeping on the Earthing sheet - I was feeling good.
EAV, or electrodermal testing, uses acupuncture points on the body, usually on the hands and feet, to test electrical resistance.
Do you have a harrington rod? There were thousands of us in the '80's getting these things in hospitals.
I’ve always loved saunas. But I never used them therapeutically until I came across studies that proved the detoxification effects are real.
My son and I are not autistic, but soon we will embark on Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride’s GAPS Diet. GAPS is short for Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or in our case, Gut and Physiology Syndrome Diet.
The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates was one of the first health diets that I tried. Sometimes I wasn’t 100%. When I was, I felt super tired and weak (and always bloated!). Some might attribute that to die-off.
I started seeing my chiropractor for a very important reason: she knows that the best way to chelate mercury is via the Andy Cutler protocol.
Did you know that our gut flora produces the whole B Vitamin group, as well as other vitamins? Because the vitamins that food imparts to us are water soluble, our blood levels of them become low if it's been a while since we've eaten.
Believe it or not this is my spine. I was 14 when this was taken and the proud new owner of a stainless steel rod fused to my scoliotic backbone. I have renewed interest in these X-rays because I'm considering the effects of metal inside the body.
Are you clenching any body part right now? Take a deep breath. If you've read my Breathing and Meditation page, you know how serious I am about making time for deep breathing.
I've spent countless hours researching mercury chelation. There are so many differing views on how to do it.
The Law of Attraction book, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, is wonderful stuff. It can change my day around in a minute. Thinking negative thoughts creates a negative existence, with more negativity on its way.
Some people feel tired all the time. No energy to get stuff done. They may wake up frequently at night, or have trouble falling asleep.
After an 8 day break from the Paleo Diet (I was experimenting with another diet - it didn't go too well), I am back. I focus once again on meats, vegetables, fruits, coconuts, and a few nuts here and there.