Barefoot Running 1.9 Miles on Asphalt
I run barefoot on asphalt now. It's a bit rough. I am still getting calluses. I believe that means my form still needs help. Two days ago I ran 1.9 miles barefoot and it felt good, as long as I kept Ken Bob's mantra in my head: back straight, head on top of body, bent knees, spread toes. I still felt it on my soles though. But it felt good!
I go slow. I'm still playing and not going for distance. This is where being a new runner is helpful; I have no personal records to beat. In fact I'm just amazingly proud that I'm staying with it and everything feels good. 1.88 miles in 22.5 minutes, no stopping, for me - is fantastic! Let me know how your barefoot running is going - beginner or expert. There's much to learn from each other.
Barefoot running in the Fall…