How to Remove a Mole Yourself (With Pictures)
My big dark mole on upper right arm
I'd had a big, dark brown, high altitude mole on my upper right arm for many years. When I was pregnant it got even bigger and higher. Today, it is gone. In fact, just now I had to check both arms because I'd forgotten where it was. At first what was left was an area of slightly lighter pigment. But that’s gone now too. Ta-da, no more mole! Keep reading to see how to remove a mole naturally.
The iodine I used. I had bought it in Mexico years prior.
No Need for An Expensive Mole Removal Cream
A while ago I'd tried to get rid of it by downloading an ebook called No More Moles, Warts or Skin Tags, or some similar fun title. It involved scraping the mole with a sterilized needle, then using an emory board to cause abrasion, then applying a paste that needed to soak in, and finally slapping on a bandaid. You were to do this three times a day. Small surprise that I did not keep this up for very long!
So this past year I tried something different. It's much easier, and it worked. All you need to do is apply a bit of iodine with a q tip to the mole each day. Let it dry, then massage in a little castor oil. And that's it!
Some days I did this a few times a day, some days just once. I kept the little bottle of iodine near the bathroom sink so I'd see it and remember to do it, especially before bed at night. The iodine I used was 2%. You will read online that others have used 5% with good results. The iodine I used had been purchased in Mexico years previously - it was what I had lying around. If I were to do this again I would buy a top iodine solution brand like J. Crow’s Lugols Solution 2%. Only a drop is needed.
For a cheaper alternative, you could try the Humco 2% iodine tincture, on the left. This bottle comes with a little wand to make application more efficient. Some people like to apply the oil around the mole before application, so that the iodine is less likely to irritate that skin.
For castor oil, I have used any old brand. But to me, the higher quality brands smell better. Every house should have castor oil on hand, I believe. From enhancing your eyelash beauty to cleaning the intestinal tract from time to time, it’s a keeper!
You have to be patient; it took me a few months of persistence. At one point it got red and inflamed-looking, but I persevered, making sure not to skip the castor oil. And if it was looking really awful, I'd lay off the iodine application for a day or two. But it never burned.
Mole Removal Cost = Only a Few Dollars!
Here is my Mole Disappearing Act:
Mole with iodine applied on and around
Mole getting smaller
Mole drying up and scabbing
Mole getting kind of scary; don’t forget the castor oil
Mole on its way out
My mole friend disappearing
My mole is now gone
I found out about this cure from one of my favorite websites, Have you removed a mole naturally? Let us know about it!