My Notes on Modifilan
MODIFILAN NOTES I'VE TAKEN OVER THE YEARS. They are separated variably by days or months because I was mostly inconsistent with taking it. I did not include the dates, which span 2012-2014. ∞ Talked to Dr. Julia Trudeau today. She told me about other ways to get mercury out. Like Modifilan – take one per day. Modifilan is the extract from Laminaria kelp, in the form of a dehydrated, powdered juice concentrate, and it's supposedly a powerful and bio-available digestible fiber of seaweed. It's high in iodine, which may turn out to be a missing piece of the puzzle for me, by the way.
She said it was also good for constipation. Helps the body excrete mercury and other metals. Even radiation, which I had a lot of as a teen (over 30 X-Rays taken for scoliosis in the 80's). A guy named Sergei Zimin is the manufacturer of Modifilan, and I read this interview with him on Mike Adams' site. I think what he says about chemical chelation is astute, and something I've experienced countless times with DMSA, ALA, DMPS, and others.
Sergei: Many of our professional customers are licensed medical professionals, true MDs or NMDs, who use this product for detoxification qualities. Being an absolutely natural product, Modifilan is a very good alternative to biochemical chelation protocols. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of money to be very strict about your diet and supplement yourself with many minerals, because to chelate using chemically formulated protocols means you deplete your own mineral spectrum. Speaking of the side effects of biochemical chelation protocols, Modifilan is a winner when detoxing, because the detox or healing crisis effect is very mild. So yes, if you use our product in a situation where one is contaminated, like off-chart PPM levels of mercury, lead, uranium or strontium -- especially those metals that do not belong to the nutritional table of metals -- using this product for about three to four months, in a quantity of six capsules a day for an average-size body, will make people clean. A good proof of this would be to do the same thing for three or four months after you start using our product. Usually it takes about six to eight bottles of product used over a period of three to four months to start to see a difference. A hair or urine test will give a great truth in terms of numbers, but the main difference people will see is in how they feel. When they start to take this product, in about three to five weeks -- which seems to be an average introduction period for people with health conditions, especially if there is toxicity involved -- they will go through a detox stage that never lasts longer than a week, and it's very mild. It doesn't happen to everybody, every time that they take this product, but people will be aware of some of that effect. If it's heavy metal contamination, you can count on this product to do a very good job with a very modest level of detox symptoms.
∞ Just spoke with Pacific Standard Distributors owner, Sergei, who sounded knowledgeable. He said to give it 2 weeks to work up to 4-6 per day. I may feel slight detox, brain fog. If bad, stop for a couple days then restart at lower. Chelators redistribute; Modifilan doesn’t. More from that interview:
Sergei: Let's talk about results which is what they get out of this product. Reasons are a different thing. It's all different what they see in it, but people usually get the same thing out of it. You get more energy in your day, regularity in your bathroom trips, and improvement in your skin, hair and nail conditions. These are the basic, little things that people see when they use this product for at least three to five weeks. If somebody is interested in having results beyond these obvious, simple things, if somebody is looking for our product with certain ideas in mind, usually it applies to their understanding of mineral potency. In our product at the best possible level and availability are mineral forms of seaweed. It's thyroid support, endocrine system rehabilitation, and everything that applies to that. There are numerous health conditions that -- simply based on endocrine inefficiency and thyroid inactivity -- inhibit regular body functions.
So to answer your question directly, people who look for this product, people who want to buy this product with certain health issues in mind, are the ones who know about mineral iodine as the only food for thyroid, everything else comes secondary. When you make your thyroid wake up again and regulate all the little glands around your body, including the pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, adrenals, even the liver, everything will come to you naturally if you simply feed your thyroid with this.
By its nature, the thyroid is fed by iodine. And we're talking about iodine in ionic form, not liquid from a brown bottle. One that comes out of the soil with your water or in the plants you eat in your diet; in the sea water -- which we can't gulp much of anyway -- and in the seafood, in fish, and in shellfish. But the largest, molecule-wise, ionic form of iodine you can find is in seaweed. Again, to eat seaweed itself is not the way to get the iodine delivered; you can't get that much seaweed into your system because it's full of cellulose.
∞ Today is my second day on Modifilan. I took one each day. Several bathroom trips today, but could be yesterday’s beets. Good energy, went for 2 mile beach run. Also, starting this afternoon ( I took Modifilan capsule in am before breakfast), I have felt maybe four times that same pleasant, warm feeling I used to get on iodine. But less. So I feel the iodine. I stopped the Lugol’s a few days ago. Also, urine smelled more this am and afternoon.
∞ Feeling good. Thinking my breathing and exercise and positive outlook are all working great. For the first three days I took 1 Modifilan only. Then yesterday I took 2. Later, headache and #3 tooth throb, just like on the alpha lipoic acid! Sergei from the company said it affects old wounds, like if you had a root canal or work done somewhere, and you feel it. He couldn’t really tell me why both ALA and Modifilan affected the same tooth. He said the M. was NOT taking old mercury out of there. So it is weird.
∞ I still feel my tooth a bit today so I didn’t take the M. yet. But I may do so if it stops hurting. Sergei says you can take a break for 2-3 days but don’t stop! He said if I’m only taking one capsule and then two and I had a reaction like this, then I am in for some ‘interesting’ things to happen in the next few months. I remember that Dr. Julia said take only one M. but I look forward to seeing her on Monday to ask for how long. Also, Sergei said gelatin capsules in the 90 capsules bottle is stronger and better than the veggie caps.
∞ Later: Modifilan definitely affecting me. Didn’t take any today. Still slight headache. Also tired, and I’ve been getting lots of sleep. #3 tooth is better but I have felt many of my teeth today.
∞ Back on Modifilan. It’s my fourth day I think of one capsule. Don’t feel it. Dr. Julia said to work up as you can. She couldn’t get past one capsule. Soon I will try two again.
1. Your fingers hurt sometimes and the joints are swollen
2. Hair is falling out
3. Colder hands and feet
4. Wake up to pee
5. You're smarter and have a better memory than this
6. You are stiffer than stiff
∞ I am actually psyched because: I feel good. I’m not craving non-paleo foods. I like Modifilan. I can do one in the am and one before bed - this is what Sergei told me this morning - because increased energy won’t kick in before you fall asleep. He knows people who take many more than 12 capsules each day, like him. My hypoglycemia could get better as well.
∞ So this am I took one Modifilan. This afternoon I took TWO MORE. I am fine. Just a bit foggy-headed and dim-witted and tired right now. But no headache or toothache. Bathroom visits have released major toxicity. Then I took the two. AND. Realization. I think what’s happening is MERCURY causing immune system to attack my thyroid. WHAT I KNOW IS MY THYROID DOESN’T WORK, MERCURY MAY HAVE CAUSED THE AUTOIMMUNITY, MERCURY DETOX MAY REVERSE THE AUTOIMMUNITY, I DID THE IODINE LOADING TEST AND WAS LOW, I’LL STAY ON THE PALEO DIET AND THE MODIFILAN AND SEE WHERE I AM IN A MONTH.
∞ Took 2 Modifilan this am. Yesterday I had had 3 in all. Last night in the middle of the night my right foot’s pinky toe had a burning pain that would last for a few seconds, stop for a couple of minutes, then start again. I almost had to get up but thankfully it stopped so I could return to sleep. I am peeing a lot at night, three times each night. I know the Modifilan is affecting me because of this, and because today I am down. I am trying to find out if iodine is okay for me to take if I have Hashimoto’s as there is disagreement on that. I want to take 6 Modifilan a day NOW so that I can get the mercury and lead and radiation out of me NOW but I know it can’t work like that. My bowels aren’t moving well so I need to make sure I keep elimination going. Dr. Miller's tea is good for that.
∞ So I told Dr. Julia all my symptoms and she said I have Hashi’s. Wasn’t sure about the stiffness though. Although that along with peeing many times in night could mean low thiamine, so take cocarboxylase, b103GB, like 1-3, so that you’re peeing only once a night, which is okay. However I am not going to buy those. I told her my hair is falling out more of late. She said go easier on Modifilan then. Don’t’ want to rush it. It’s better to be going in the right direction than not. I told her I’m copper toxic so she said take the zinc. And selenium. So I started those up again today.
∞ I know some people think that you shouldn't take iodine when you have Hashimoto’s. Fortunately, Sergei says that Hashi's people who can’t do iodine and then take it know it real quick, and I’m not one of those. Modifilan is a very biologically active form of iodine, and it displaces heavy metals. (And I have two pimples from the bromide detox.)
∞ So Sergei from Modifilan says to stop the coffee enemas cold turkey even if you skip a day of going to the bathroom because they don’t allow the bacteria to build up. They deplete. Constipation = endocrine problem. Thyroid and colon connected. If you feel something from Mod, like a change in temperature, or headache, or b.o. or whatever, then you don’t have Hashi’s, and this product will be very good for you. Work up to 6 per day. By end of second bottle if you don’t feel better call him. Take product until you can feel it do something – to tolerance. I will up it to four today by taking two tonight instead of 1. Sergei is very nice.
For breakfast the best thing you can have he said is head cheese (meat jelly made from calf/pig/sheep/cow head flesh). I am not ready for that yet but maybe one day. Breakfast should be gelatin, hefty protein, warm stock, soup. That sounds nourishing to me!
Later: I am feeling warmth inside and I really like it. I’ve been warmer lately.
∞ Woke up LESS STIFF. This is a bit of a first. I am about 4 days into zinc and selenium supplementation and I’m thinking it’s partly those? Will bump up my dose soon from the 25 mg and 50 mcg, respectively. And, I like this warm feeling I get! I am on 4 Modifilan now. Am feeling a little something in my lower left jaw/site of old root canal/cavitation surgery, not painful at all.
∞ AGAIN I AWOKE LESS STIFF, AND AM LESS STIFF TODAY. This is wonderful. I am doing:
Paleo diet (although last night I had beans in my chili)
4 Modifilan (feel no ill effects today, but yesterday was definitely tired)
Running barefoot on the road for 10 minutes every other day
Continuing zinc and selenium
Other supps I take are vitamins B, C, D, EPA/DHA, astaxanthan, and can’t remember others.
∞ Up to 5 Modifilan. 3 in am, 2 before bed. Even on paleo, feel fingers. Could be nuts. Modifilan makes poo darker. Managing to go once per day. I did veer off diet for lunch (gluten-free lasagna) but other than that pretty strict paleo. Bags under eyes less, skin still looks good. Wonder what fingers are about.
∞ Hair still falling out. Still not washing hair, just occasionally baking soda and apple cider vinegar rinse. So glad to be off shampoo! Moved up to 4 and 2 modifilan today. Stopped nuts – this is my second day – and fingers are not being felt like they were when I was eating lots of nuts. So I’m eating fruit, veg, meats, and coconut milk. Energy is good. Also I get warm hot periods like hot flashes on the modifilan. Must be the iodine working for my thyroid? About 2-3 x/day. I like it of course.
Later: I am so up and happy today! I think it has to do with
Zinc and selenium
Paleo diet WITHOUT nuts
A bit of qigong today – qigong is amazing
Anyway, as long as I remember to walk/run/stand with an imaginary line pulling my head up, I am not stiff! WAY better than I used to be. Less than a month ago, before paleo diet and supps, I was STIFF. Now I am NOT! Just a bit of backache when I stand up after sitting for a long time. This is working. Now I just have to get rid of those chocolate espresso cake bits in the fridge. I eat fruits, veggies. Egg, buffalo, beef, venison, chicken, salmon. And when I get tired of all that, I make a fruit and coconut milk smoothie. (Present day note: I don't eat Paleo anymore as I needed more carbs and calories.)
Also, on 6 capsules of Modifilan. No detox reaction. Feel good. Am not doing coffee enemas ans that's good. Taking magnesium, I’m able to eliminate 1-2x/day so far. It’s dark colored, which I think is Modifilan at least partially. Thank you Sergei for the advice!
Still feel very minor heating up moments. They’ve gotten quite mild and infrequent.
∞ Feeling great. No stiffness. Just after sitting for long periods at my computer, in my back. But walking around, running, feels great. Even right after my run, feels great. No body part aching or otherwise talking to me in any way, except to tell me that I’m running the right way. Feel breasts a bit, like when I had those cysts. They appear to be there now. May be a retracing. Last time I had them it was two years ago. Then they went away. I think less hair fell out today.
∞ BEET KVASS. Is why I think I went beserk two days ago. Homemade probiotic food = very powerful = release mercury (or SOMEthing) = I get angry and cry-ey.
∞ Back on Modifilan. 2 yesterday, 2 this am. Had to take a nap this am, which is not usual.
∞ Spoke to Sergei today. He said work back up to 6-8 capsules a day, so that you feel it, not bad, but feel it doing something. Don’t add another layer of yeast-killer on top. Feeling your fingers means lymph stagnation. If you see tinea versicolor or vaginal discharge, it’s okay, let it come out and don’t worry. Maybe sweat will smell more. He thinks yeast comes first, immunity is lowered, then you’re more susceptible to mercury, which really suppresses thyroid. Modifilan is not like chlorella or DMSA, which can make you depressed because they cause mercury redistribution. When you get up to 6-8 capsules of Modifilan and can’t feel a thing, then can take the grapefruit seed extract or apple cider vinegar to lessen yeast. Epsom salt baths are good to relax.
∞ Hair came out a LOT today after shower. Yesterday I did 5 drops grapefruit seed extract. I just can't listen to advice! I rush the process and no good comes from that. And went back to Modifilan, abruptly, which could also explain why there’s more hair coming out. If there's one thing I know for sure through all these years of health experimentation, it's this: KILLING YEAST AND PARASITES CAUSES MERCURY RELEASE, MORE TOXICITY, AND MORE SYMPTOMS. You just have to go slow.
∞ Remember how I did the Salt and Vitamin C protocol for Lyme? Here is Mark Fett on Modifilan:
We discuss these in our book, the Salt/C Plus Protocl, for Lyme Infection. Modifilan is a natural brown seaweed that contains very unique items, especially fucoidan and alginates (and natural iodine for thyroid health). The alginates are superior binders of heavy metals. This can be used with great benefit even with amalgams as there is no redistribution with this.
Especially good too where there is Candida... For the Candida, as an interesting survival mechanism, will consume mercury it encounters in the body, it then releases it as methyl mercury, an even more toxic form. The Modifilan will help remove this as well, as will the items below. French Green Clay also is able to bind metals and remove them over time, similarly to DE. Mixing the two together is excellent. When a person has amalgams, and where they may leech, it can go to the alimentary tract with eating, etc. So, these taken orally help in ushering this out there as elsewhere in the body. It also helps remove radioactive material too (as does Modifilan and fulvic acid).
Today I took three Modifilan before breakfast and nothing major to report. I think it’s a good sign that I’m not feeling it, because last year when I tried taking it I would feel it at low doses. It’s my third day on it.
∞ Yesterday took three Modifilan. Pee and poo smelled a LOT this morning. Strong smell. I think they smelled that way after IMD sometimes too. Metals coming out perhaps. Also had zinc yesterday so that may be a factor.
∞ No ill effects from Modifilan thus far. Took another three this am.
∞ Pee still super strong smelling. Took three Modifilan this morning. Have great energy. Slept great last night. Got up once to pee. Peed for twenty minutes it seemed like, very smelly. Dreamed a lot last night, which is welcomed. Here is what I read on Modifilan (Note: I can't find this online anymore):
Iodine keeps the thyroid gland in perfect condition and ensures that it continues to disinfect the blood as it passes through every 15 minutes. The thyroid gland is also responsible for maintaining general metabolism and the development of the nervous system. Laminarin is a polysaccharide which prevents blood coagulation and clotting. It is 30 percent effective as the anticoagulant heparin. Alginate is the reason modifilan became popular. It is responsible for cleaning up radioactive elements and heavy metals in the body. It cannot be metabolized or absorbed by the body, therefore, it binds with these toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and they are excreted alongside it.
∞ I talked to Sergei last night. He's very nice to keep helping me on the phone! He said:
Do not drink distilled water (he is pretty adamant on this!)
Kids can take Modifilan. Give 2-3 before breakfast, about three times a week.
Adults, work up to 6-8 and take all in the morning before breakfast. It gives energy so don’t take at night. Take a 2-3 day break as well.
It helps a lot with hypothyroid and over-acidity.
Kids don’t have a detox reaction with it.
If your child is too energized on it then back down dose.
The strong smell I've had in urine and stool from only three capsules is a good sign. I am smelling lymph drainage. Drink more water.
Modifilan has lots of iodine. Kelp is cellulose and hard to digest. Modifilan is the active form of iodine and is like eating meat or fish for your iodine.
After 2-3 months on this, your live blood cell microscopy will see an improvement for sure. (And after I read online that the laminarin – one of the polysaccharides in the Modifilan – prevents blood coagulation and clotting. Which I think I need as my blood forms fibrin pretty quickly. So we should be able to test the efficacy this way.)
∞ Modifilan made HUGE poos the other day. And parasite things in them.... 5th day of Modifilan I think. Took five today and yesterday.
∞ Energy is great. Took 7 Modifilan this morning. I should take a break soon as Sergei said. Two nights ago I took two scoops IMD (Intestinal Metals Detox by Quicksilver) and one ClearWay. That night awoke in the middle of the night. Seems to happen on the IMD at the two scoop amount. The next day two ClearWay. Last night I did not take it and I did not wake up (except to pee once, which I always do). I put the brand new bottle of IMD ( I think it’s my third over the five or so months) and ClearWay under the cupboard for now. If, in 2-3 months, I feel like I still need them, I’ll try it again. But I’m going with what Sergei says for now. He says that the ALA is a chemical and harsh and causes detox reaction and is only temporary and forces the pH of the body to change which then makes stuff in – I don’t exactly know. I have trouble understanding him sometimes because of his accent. Anyway he says that Modifilan does the same thing but 10x faster and cheaper, and I guess more naturally.
He also said re: Harry’s food allergies – often, the mom is hypothyroid/metal toxic/iodine deficient and then the kid has allergies. He can take up to four Modilan a day, three or so times a week. I can try going up to 12 over time if I want, but only three times a week.
Rouleau formation is when red blood cells become sticky and start stacking up, making it harder for oxygen to reach the cells.
I mentioned the nematode larvae in my blood microscopy. He said in three months the live blood analysis will look much better after Modifilan. So we will see if he’s right.
∞ Think the 7 Modifilan caused a slight headache tonight. Also am back on the 20 days of the Formula PZ (strong anti-parasitic) so maybe that’s it. Heard from Dr. D’angelo the parisitologist: the picture I sent him is of immature Ascaris on a stool sample, and the video of my blood from the microscopy visit he said looks like what we thought - nematode larvae, type unknown.
∞ I am on Modifilan two days on, two days off. Today I took six. No ill effects. Thank god for poo tea. I go three times a day because of it. Haven’t done a shmen in more than two weeks. And that just feels right for me. I need to continue to eat ground pumpkin/papaya seeds and pineapple. That’s what people in the tropics do to lose the parasites.
∞ ...Also, on 6 modifilan, seems like I go from feeling hot to cold then to hot very frequently. The last three days in the afternoon I get SO TIRED. Modifilan? Protease?
∞ Break from Modifilan today. Yesterday took 8.
∞ My lower left jaw, where the tooth I’m trying to heal is, felt like it was aching a bit today. Not an ache, but just a feeling there that I did not like. It may have to do with taking 10 Modifilan today. I know that that’s affected my teeth/gum areas before (just like DMSA used to, so I’d think it was mercury and/or infection related). But it stopped feeling like that a while ago.
∞ …As for me I’m doing 8,8 then a 2 day break. I have been having eyebrow twitches. Which is weird because I’m not on Modifilan these last two days. Think it may be due to killing stuff with papaya seeds and pumpkin seed smoothies, which results in mercury release?
∞ Hair not falling out anymore. I decreased the probiotic foods, which cause weirdness in me. Am continuing with Modifilan – 8 for two days, then none for two days.
∞ Neck stiffer than usual. Elbow areas, which were stiff a lot for a while, are particularly stiff again. Took 10 Modilan this morning. I talked to Sergei yesterday and he said take enough so that you feel it. I was on 8, two days on, two days off, but wasn’t feeling it. He suggested trying 10-12, five days on, two days off. And that if I haven’t been feeling it, then mercury is a lesser priority for me. He has people who react strongly to very low doses. I wonder if my salt/c has gotten out some of the Hg, because some people think that vitamin c is a somewhat chelator of mercury. I’ve been taking 10 grams daily for a while now. Wonder if I should move it up.
∞ Saw the microscopist today - my third visit. Rouleau of red blood cells was way down! Hardly any! Fibrin started only minimally forming an hour into it! Way better! I’ve been doing:
6 months salt/c
2 months oil pulling
nosodes for oral infections
Protease to clean up blood
Artemisinin for last four days.
Sergei was right about the better blood on Mod - wow!
∞ I think my deal involves biofilm and metals. I took Protease today, then a half tbsp of diatomaceous earth (kills parasites). A bit depressed and lethargic now. For months I’ve been doing well - about 8 Modifilan each morning, 8-10 grams of salt/c, digestive enzymes. That’s been the treatment. But when I try to add too much DE, or protease, or like the other day I did IMD – just a tiny scoop, and one ClearWay…yuck. Hair comes out and I feel like crying.
∞ One thing I've learned is obvious, but it still took me years to get it: If you don't get enough iodine in your diet, it's highly likely you are deficient. I haven't eaten seafood or iodized salt for years due to mercury in fish, and aluminum in mineral-deficient table salt (so I do lots of sea salt), and my thyroid has been trying to tell me that I need more iodine! Also, it's so important to go slowly with upping dosage. This I've felt, and written about, over and over again. I can tell you that Modifilan does increase my body temperature, as well as the number of bathroom visits - which are both wonderful. Also, I do believe that its alginates enable more detoxification capability from mercury and other metals. Not to mention my blood looked much better on this Laminaria extract stuff.
I hadn't been on Modifilan for over two years and so just three weeks ago, I started it up again, taking one a day for three days, then two a day for three days, then 3 for ONE day (oh oh you can see it coming), then up to 5. Too fast too soon! Stiff joints, itching, peeing all the time, terrible sleep, tense, depressed... And so today I took one. Low and slow. I am following Sergei's instructions. I feel good as long as I build up slowly and don't take anything else like antiparasitics. I sleep well. I have energy. I want to do things. I will up it slowly until I'm taking 6-8 a day, with a 2 day break every now and then.
Please feel free to share your experience too! We would love to hear it.